Adult Choir
The Adult Choir assists in the sung prayer of the assembly by adding harmony, descants, and other musical effects to the music in the liturgy. They also help enhance the music of the liturgy by singing special music before or during the liturgy, especially during the major feasts, seasons, and celebrations of the Church. The faithful members of the ministry come together once a week to prepare their material. Contact Amy Sauve at for more information.
Children's Choir
The Children's Choir assists in the sung prayer of the assembly. They also help enhance the music of the liturgy by singing special music before or during the liturgy. The children learn not only how to sing special music, but also become acquainted with the hymns, songs, psalmody, and responses of the Mass. Select children will also serve as cantors during liturgies. Ultimately, they learn to sing and pray as active members of the community. Contact Marianne Ervin at 734-502-8845 for more information.
Cantors have a special ministry in proclaiming the psalmody and the verse of the gospel acclamation during the Liturgy of the Word. They also assist in the singing of litanies, responses, and acclamations throughout the liturgy. Contact Amy Sauve at for more information.
Instrumentalists are members of the Music Ministry who help lead the singing of the assembly through the playing of keyboard instruments, guitar, flute, trumpet, percussion, practically any instrument at all! Instruments are used in many different combinations, and not necessarily all at the same time. Contact Amy Sauve at for more information.
Printable Lyrics for Fr. Tom's song "We Ask the Lord to Bless You"